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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fine Dining?

I don't have a problem with children in restaurants, it's their parents that make me crazy...

Parents need to start teaching their kids that restaurants are places where you sit and wait, and that if they run around... they are likely to get hurt, or hurt someone else... ever get burned by hot coffee??? want that spilled on your kid?  NO? then, get them the hell out of the way!  Not only is it a safety issue, it's thoroughly disrespectful to the restaurant staff, who have better things to do than dodge your two foot tall torpedo. 

Be respectful to your server, even if she's bad, ask for a different server if she's terrible, but be nice... your kids watch what you do, and then copy you.  Nothing is worse than having to deal with a pint sized miserable bitch.  Be the kind of person you expect them to be!  I could never be a server because of the amount of abuse they are dealt... I hate seeing some parent bark their order at a server and then admonish their kid for not saying please... wake the hell up or stay home.

If you know your kid is impatient, entertain them!!! You might think Connie whining "I'm hungry Daddy" over and over again is musical, but it makes me want to jam my fork in my eye, and yours... Quit ignoring her, she's not going away... At least order her some crackers... damn.  On the other side of this coin are parents who let their kids bring every toy in the world... it's great to be prepared... but be prepared to have the 185 decibel rocket car or whatever other loud annoying toy you brought flushed down the toilet...

Finally, as for breastfeeding in the restaurant... DO IT PROUDLY... You don't need to squirt people in the eye... but don't put up with their bullshit.  I will fight to the ground for a woman's right to breastfeed wherever the hell she wants!   

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