I love tattoos, I have several. Ever since I got my last tattoo, which is on my arm and quite visible, strangers think that they can just walk right up and touch me.
What is this weird tattoo touching compulsion that people have? it's frigging weird.
Why does my having a tattoo makes you think that the standard laws of "don't bloody touch me dude" cease to apply. Would you walk up to a soccer mom and lightly stroke your finger down her un-tattooed bicep and say "nice"?
I also can't stand having perfect strangers ask me what my tattoos mean, what if they mean something embarrassing? Why would I want to share that with you? I don't know you.
The initials on my ankle could be for Jean Auel, my favourite author. Or, it could be from the night I got drunk and watched Jack-Ass. Either way, not something I want to explain to you in the ATM line.
Do you want to touch it?
Whatever happened to chatting about the weather or sports, or better yet... smiling politely and keeping your mouth shut... I vote for way more of that!
What is this weird tattoo touching compulsion that people have? it's frigging weird.
Why does my having a tattoo makes you think that the standard laws of "don't bloody touch me dude" cease to apply. Would you walk up to a soccer mom and lightly stroke your finger down her un-tattooed bicep and say "nice"?
I also can't stand having perfect strangers ask me what my tattoos mean, what if they mean something embarrassing? Why would I want to share that with you? I don't know you.
The initials on my ankle could be for Jean Auel, my favourite author. Or, it could be from the night I got drunk and watched Jack-Ass. Either way, not something I want to explain to you in the ATM line.
Do you want to touch it?
Whatever happened to chatting about the weather or sports, or better yet... smiling politely and keeping your mouth shut... I vote for way more of that!
Ahhhh, tattoos. The things nightmares are made of! At least other people's! I have eight - yup, count 'em - eight. Does that mean I am a drunken, drug-addicted whore who is a member of a gang???? It really shocks people to find out I have two degrees, am a viably employed member of society, own two properties, am a "nana", am a voracious reader, and have been happily married to a professional for over 30 years. People really need to stop judging a book by its cover!